Motor Mount Insert Page

a good mod for ~28 dollars from shipped to my door.
the fronts were easy to install, and the rears are another story.  Mainly time consuming.
The front takes 10-15 minutes to install if you take your time, the rear takes 1-3 hours.
Below is a walkthrough for doing the front insert.  There is a creative idea for the passenger side motor mount here.
I just cut up an old roller hockey wheel, and shoved it inside the mount, and reinstalled it.

After installing the motormounts, the car does vibrate more at idle, and above 5,000rpms, the car shakes violently.
I definately have seen an improvement with putting the power from the engine to the ground during launches.
Undo the bolt that goes through the mount, and the two bolts that would be sitting to the bottom right of the picture, on the frame.  As you can see, the mount wouldnt come all the way down, so I also had to loosen the bolt that was towards the rear of the center beam.  Once you are under there, you will know what I mean. This is what it looked like after i loosened that bolt.  The directions said to clean the motor mount area well before installing the inserts.  I forgot to.  Anyways, now you are ready for the install. 
The insert placed into the mount Add the washers, and slap the bolts back from where you took them out. 
If this didnt explain it well enough, check here
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