Random Pics of me and my Bros chillin and kikin it

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Thats my dad and I in Los Angeles My Fraternity Bros and I helpin 
keep the highway clean
From left to right, Jake, Me, John, and Charlie summer/99 Me makin my heisman pose and Fish my Bro
Mike, Jay, and me headed to the strip newyears 2000 Johnny, lookin funny as hell (im not as think as u drunk i am)
Me and Charlie kikin it summer/99 (what a shitty scan) Thats Sammy, he's a coo tiger
from left to right: Fish, Zimmy, Wayne, Smed, Tim, Chad, 
                          Me, and Tom (my brothers)
left to right: Brett, Charlie, Me, Ally 
(Brett and Ally were on a TV show, american high)
